Time Travel

27 Time Travel Movies And Film Trailers

Bertin Punks – Halo guys balik lagi nih sama admin ganteng idamaya, kali ini admin akan membahas tentang three film tentang time travel alias perjalanan ini kita akan membahas tentang topic film lagi nih temen – temen. Bagi kalian para pecinta film tentang time travel pasti akan menyukai hal ini, sekalian juga ini untuk nambah refrensi kalian tentang film time journey yang belum kalian tonton.

Back to future adalah film tentang time journey yang sangat keren,menambah wawasan tentang time journey, membingungkan juga sih filmnya, dan juga film ini begitu menarik untuk di tonton guys. Film ini bercerita tentang seorang anak remaja laki – laki yang berpetualangan waktu ke masa depan dan juga masa lalu, Nah di situlah kalian akan menemukan tentang konsep – konsep paradox tersebut pada movie ini. Memang sih cuman di movie ini doang konsep paradoxnya lebih kental di bandingkan film – film lainnya. Oh iyah ini bukan … Read more

Time Travel

Enter The Magical Realm Time Travel (With GA)

Time Travel, atau perjalanan menembus waktu, adalah sesuatu yang dianggap sains fiksi pada zaman ini. Banyak sekali film yang mengupas topik mesin waktu, contohnya Back to the future, Terminator, Timeline, Time Machine, Frequency, Heroes, Lost, The 4400, dll. Yang aneh, konsep waktu di beberapa film ini berbeda-beda loh.Time Travel

Joe Haldeman wrote The Forever War (1984), an intergalactic time journey novel. Time journey is achieved through spacecrafts flying through rotating black holes. Military troopers experience the results of time dilation. Space vacationers age much slower touring gentle years away. The novel was thought of controversial earlier than publication. Haldeman was influenced by his service time in Vietnam. American time travelers are engaged in an limitless war with an alien race called Taurons. Haldeman explored a number of issues: soldier’s guilt because of mindless slaughter, superior prosthetic know-how, strong employment of military personnel, and acceptance of homosexuals within the military.

The risk … Read more

Time Travel

Prinsip Kerja Time Travel ~ ManusiaBiasa

WIKIPEDIA menyampaikan, pengertian Time Travel (Perjalanan Waktu) adalah sebuah konsep berjalan maju atau mundur ke titik berbeda dalam waktu, mirip seperti kita bergerak dalam ruang. Ini berbau Fisika, Namun bahasan ini justru tidak populer di kalangan fisikawan, karena banyak anggota komunitas ilmiah percaya, perjalanan waktu itu kemungkinan besar tidak mungkin.

Haunted homes are a method of time travel and one of the vital in style time journey units in literature. Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol , is indeed haunted by ghosts. Scrooge is haunted by his ex-companion Marley, a ghost imprisoned in chains. He reminds Scrooge that greed is a path to hell. The Ghost of Christmas Past transports Scrooge back to his younger days as a younger scholar. Scrooge regrets he sacrificed the love of a woman for lofty goals of getting cash. The darkish hooded Ghost of Christmas Future warns Scrooge that younger Tiny Tim, invalid, and son … Read more

Time Travel

How To Travel Smartly

A TIME TRAVELLER” from the yr 2043 has recorded himself to warn the planet of nuclear holocaust by the hands of North Korea and the United States in the coming months.

Although, in the main, differing fundamentally from the H.G. Wells idea of a physical machine with levers and dials, many alternative speculative time travel solutions and eventualities have been put ahead over the years. However, the actual bodily plausibility of these solutions in the actual world stays unsure. In a 1990 Japanese film entitled, Time Traveler, the Girl who Leapt by Time , a hospitalized mother sends her daughter back in time to meet her boyfriend (a robust time traveler himself). The mom is a chemical pharmacist; she creates a time journey drug. Her younger daughter takes the drug and misses the vacation spot date by two years.Time Travel

Haunted houses are a way of time travel and one of … Read more

Time Travel

A History Of Time Travel

Time TravelThe actuality, however, is extra muddled. Not all scientists imagine that time travel is feasible. Some even say that an attempt can be deadly to any human who chooses to undertake it.

Imaginative writers endlessly capture hearts of thrill seekers that yearn to journey again into time or the future. Spiritual people imagine time journey inside themselves, a activity simply completed by dreaming about it with closed eyelids and making a wish. Scientific minded individuals scoff at foolish fantasy and like technological time machines that journey quicker than the velocity of light (fourth dimension time journey). Time travel stories start out simple or evolve into complicated scientific phenomena.

Jules Verne is an early pioneer of imaginative science fiction and considered the father of science fiction. He didn’t write time journey stories, however made uncanny predictions in regards to the first lunar landing. Check out his 1865 sci-fi novel, From the … Read more