Time Travel

Prinsip Kerja Time Travel ~ ManusiaBiasa

WIKIPEDIA menyampaikan, pengertian Time Travel (Perjalanan Waktu) adalah sebuah konsep berjalan maju atau mundur ke titik berbeda dalam waktu, mirip seperti kita bergerak dalam ruang. Ini berbau Fisika, Namun bahasan ini justru tidak populer di kalangan fisikawan, karena banyak anggota komunitas ilmiah percaya, perjalanan waktu itu kemungkinan besar tidak mungkin.

Haunted homes are a method of time travel and one of the vital in style time journey units in literature. Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol , is indeed haunted by ghosts. Scrooge is haunted by his ex-companion Marley, a ghost imprisoned in chains. He reminds Scrooge that greed is a path to hell. The Ghost of Christmas Past transports Scrooge back to his younger days as a younger scholar. Scrooge regrets he sacrificed the love of a woman for lofty goals of getting cash. The darkish hooded Ghost of Christmas Future warns Scrooge that younger Tiny Tim, invalid, and son … Read more